Feel-Good yoga course – week 3 newsletter: Bridge Pose / Setu Bandhasana

Thank you for your beautiful work in yesterdays yoga class.

This week I have picked the Bridge pose for you to practice each night or at a time that suits you. You can still continue with the poses from the previous two weeks if you found them helpful and would like to see how they can help your body and mind.

bridge_pose-setu_bandhasanaBridge Pose / Setu Bandhasana

Benefits of this exercise:
– strengthens bones and the muscles along the back of the body
– improves mobility in the spine
– helps release tension in the hips, abdominal wall, neck, chest and front of shoulders
– stimulates digestion – alleviates constipation which helps with detoxification
– improves circulation to the thyroid
– can releases stress by balancing the adrenal glands
– it also helps with spaciness, unfocussed mind, inability to be still and difficulty achieving goals

– improved physical health or the back and spine, can help remove backache and keep spine supple
– may help improve Osteoarthritis
– grounding, stability and security
– improved physical health and fitness
– ability to stand up for oneself
– calms stress caused by triggered survival instinct and physical needs that are not catered for
– may help with anxiety
– increase energy levels

Contradictions/ Precautions:
– people suffering from from lower back pain: ensure bum muscles are activated. Neck and knee issues use decreased range. All issues stay in your pain free range.

Counter pose:

Knees to chest/ Apanasana


Affirmations or Mantras to go with this movement:

1) “My body is becoming more important to me. I nurture it constantly”

2) “I am vulnerable, I am strong. I can be vulnerable because I am strong.”

3) “I deserve the best that life has to offer. My needs are always met.”


Once you finished your practiced, spend a short time with your knees to chest – Apanasana.

My challenge for you until I see you next week 13th October is to do this exercise before you go to bed every night just for a couple of minutes.
– instructions below in the image.

Do several repetitions until you feel you are in a flow and it becomes easier requiring less concentration, you start feeling relaxed and calm.
Ensure you do not feel any pain, pain is a bad teacher, your body will tighten and refuse if you push past what it is willing to do each time you practice – This is your chance to practice compassion toward yourself and your body – Compassion is a big part of yoga practice.
Maybe pick one of the Affirmations above to repeat whilst you practice to help reprogram the your mind at a deeper level as you work on your root chakra.
If this asana is not for you at this point in time, be forgiving to your body and sit it out, as we keep practicing you will become more able to do all the things you want to do.

A couple of questions you can ask yourself:
“How to you honour your body? Do you address diet, exercise and relaxation regularly?”
“Have you focused on abundance or lack there off today? List things representing abundance, what are you grateful for?”

I look forward to seeing you back on the mat and hearing how this new challenge is affecting your wellbeing over the next week until the 13th Oct. 2015
With the autumn well on the way and winter fast approaching, look after yourself.

