Feel-Good yoga course – week 2 newsletter: Dynamic Sphinx or Cobra/ Bhujangasana

Well done everyone, you have been to your 2nd class, you were wonderful!

This week I have picked the Sphinx or Cobra for you to practice each night or at a time that suits you. You can still continue with the Lewitt or Thoracic Mobilization from last week if you found it soothing and would like to see where it can take you.


Dynamic Sphinx or Cobra/ Bhujangasana

Benefits of this exercise:
– strengthens the muscles along the spine, mobilises the spinal segments
– helps release tension in the abdominal wall, chest and front of shoulders
– tones the ovaries and uterus, helping with menstrual and gynaecological disorders
– alleviates constipation and is beneficial for all abdominal organs, helping with digestion and elimination
– improves liver and kidney function
– improves and deepens breathing by improving circulation to the lungs
– it also helps with melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and/ or betrayal

– improved physical health or the back and spine, can help remove backache and keep spine supple
– balance, compassion & self-acceptance
– deeper knowledge about beliefs related to love and relationships
– increased personal power and self will and self-worth
– unconditional acceptance of self and others

– people suffering from peptic ulcers, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism should not practice this asana without guidance.

Counter pose:

Child’s pose/ Balasana


Affirmations or Mantras to go with this movement:

1) “The love I feel for myself and others is unconditional.”

2) “I accept that pain is an essential part of my growth and development.”

3) “All past hurt I release into the hands of love.”

My challenge for you until I see you next week 6th October is to do this exercise before you go to bed every night just for a couple of minutes.
You can do the Sphinx version with the elbows on the floor just like we did last night or move on to the Cobra where your push up through your hands. – instructions below in the image.

Do several repetitions until you feel you are in a flow and it becomes easier requiring less concentration. Ensure you do not feel any pain, pay is a bad teacher, your body will tighten and refuse if you push past what it is willing to do each time you practice – This is your chance to make friends with your body and work together to create a healthy future.
You can also repeat on of the Affirmations above whilst you practice to affect your body and mind at a deeper level as you work on your heart chakra. If this asana is not for you at this point in time, be compassionate and loving and sit it out, as we keep practicing your journey will bring your closer to being able to do all the things you want to do.


A couple of questions you can ask yourself:
“Are you hard on yourself for “failing”? This chakra is about balance – not just with others but with yourself. Honour your dark and light sides.”
“How much do you feel connected with others? Try going out and smiling at people. You’ll be surprised how many smile back.”



I look forward to seeing you back on the mat and hearing how this new challenge is affecting your wellbeing over the next week until 6th Oct. 2015.

