Feel-Good yoga course – week 7 newsletter: Dynamic wind-relieving pose/ Apanasana & Alternate leg drop/ Dynamic Baddha Konasana

2nd last yoga homework, can you keep it up?

This week you get two exercises that compliment each other beautifully. They are great for easing tension and mobilising the lower back spinal segments.
I hope you feel these little movement challenges are helping you bring a little physical yoga into each day without it having to be a formal set up.
Allow yourself to become more flexible with how and when you build your movement into your busy schedule and reap the huge benefits of such minimal change.



Dynamic wind-relieving pose/ Apanasana &  
Alternate leg drop/  Dynamic Baddha Konasana


Benefits of this exercise:
– mobilises spinal segments, pumping the spinal fluid
– stretches the lower back muscles
– opens the hip and groin
– tones deeper muscles of the core, abs etc.
– massages the entire back
– increases circulation to the abdominal organs especially lower abdominal organs
– can improve the health of sex organs, bladder, prostate, womb

– relief from low back ache cause by tension
– can help become attuned to ones own feelings
– improve bladder and prostate health
– may balance sex drive
– improved health of the sex-organs
– improved digestion/ elimination
– calms stress caused by triggered survival instinct and physical needs that are not catered for
– may help to allow the experience of pleasure
– can stimulate your creative expression
– eased feelings of guilt
– increased energy levels rejuvenating the body
– promotes a sense of security and nurturing
– can help uncover ones motivations/ what influences our choices, based on how we were conditioned in early life.

Contradictions/ Precautions:
– people suffering from back injuries or disc problems.

Counter pose:

short hold in Sphinx or Cobra


Affirmations or Mantras to go with these movements:

1) “I welcome the changes in my life with openness and flexibility.”

2) “The white light of safety surrounds and protects me.”

3) “Secure in myself, I accept what ever is.”

Once you finished your practiced, spend a short time in a spinal extension pose such as Sphinx or Cobra to bring the body back into balance.

My challenge for you until I see you next week 10th November for the last session of your 8 week course, is to do these exercises before you go to bed every night just for a couple of minutes.

Give yourself a few repetitions to get comfortable, then do as many as you can without feeling like it is work, this is meant to be a relaxing movement meditation.
As always ensure you do not feel any pain. If you do feel pain, this movement is not for you at this point in time.
Remember you can pick one of the Affirmations above that resonates with you to repeat whilst you practice this can help reprogram your cells at a deeper level as you work on your sacral chakra.


A couple of questions you can ask yourself:
“How much are you prepared to embrace change? Change one small thing today and observe the ripple effect this has.”

“When you do things for others is it from a genuine desire to be of service or are you really trying to win their approval or love?”

“Can you balance passion and personal discipline?”

I look forward to hearing how you get on with this double challenge.
Stay well and enjoy the cosy evenings which are perfect for some yoga practice and reflection.

