10min yoga sequence for improving back health

So you have started coming to yoga class and really feel the difference at the end of each session, but you feel you would get even better results if you did some yoga in your own time between sessions? After getting asked frequently which asanas/ postures are the most effective, I have composed this little sequence of postures for…

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Pranayama series: Nadi Shodhana – Alternate Nostril breathing

Harmonise your mind and body by calming a busy mind. Nadi Shodanha aims to purify the main energy channels (nadis) to allow the bodies life force, prana or chi to freely ascend throughout the body bringing about a harmonious state of being. Interestingly in every day life we do not breath through both nostrils at a time on a constant…

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Pranayama series: Piston breathing variation

Experience how the breath affects the muscles of the body during yoga practice. Did you know that if you work with your breath, some exercises are easier – such as breathing in when you lift into a Locust/ Shalabhasana which is a back extension, so it uses all the muscles along the back of the body. Or when you go…

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Pranayama series: How to do a full yogic breath

Did you know that breathing and breath exercises are powerful stress busters? I hope you are enjoying this cosy time of year. It may seem strange to focus on breathing exercises during a time of year where many end up with stuffy noses or coughs. In fact I just had a chest infection myself and though breathing was tough…

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