Feel-Good Yoga

Each class starts in Savasana with Pranayama (breathing) and a guided relaxation to help you arrive on your mat.

You continue into a mobility sequence (Pawanmuktasana) to prepare the joints for your yoga practice.

We further warm the body with a few rounds of classic Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara), there will always be a modified version offered.

From here we will move into individual Asana (postures) practice with the focus on, strength, flexibility and balance.

Each main posture (Asana) will be followed by a counterpose (Pratikriyasana) to ensure the body stays in balance. For example we might follow a Bhujangasana/ Cobra pose, which is an extension pose with a flexion pose such as Balasana/ Child’s pose.

After the main asana practice we take time to let the body assimilate the practice in Savasana with guided relaxation before we finish of with calming and enlivening Pranayama (breathing techniques to direct energy), this can be assisted by using Mudras (seals) usually hand gestures.

Suitable for both total beginners and more advanced yogis.

Visit the live time table here, register, get a class pack and start booking.